Our Celebratory Series
Our Celebratory Cigar Series consist of one-of-a-kind stogies, and are designed to be an ultra-premium cigar, only for the few. Both of these cigars come highly-rated, and are crafted of with the superior quality unlike any other. Break the chains of convention and reward yourself with something truly unique.
Our Pain Easers
Our Pain Easer Cigar Series is made up of a pair of unique cigars, each carrying their own quality and purpose. Designed to help ease the pain of a bad stroke, this cigars are for your more everyday, average golfer and cigar smoker… a great starting point for someone looking for a new favorite cigar.
Our Bogey Series
Our Bogey Cigar Series is made up of 3 unique, handmade cigars. These 3 cigars are our most budget friendly cigars available, and allow even your bogey-makers the chance to improve the quality of their day, even if that scorecard does not reflect the same level of enjoyment.
Our Sample Packs
We know that not everyone has their “go-to” golf stogie decided on, so we have pieced together a couple of great sample offerings giving you the chance to try more than one, at a great price. Perfect for your group outings and holiday gifts!