Why do we need to verify your age?
At Greenside Cigars, our commitment is to sell Tobacco products and accessories only to customers that are 21 years of age or older. This is in compliance with Federal, State, and Local law. We appreciate your patience and understanding in helping us keep tobacco products out of the hands of minors.
How we verify
We use an industry respected, 3rd party company, to verify that you are who you say you are and to assure that you are of minimum age to purchase tobacco products.
Per the FDA’s minimum age requirement for tobacco purchase, your age will be verified to confirm your name, date of birth and address exactly as it appears on your government issued ID.
How does Age Verification work?
Our Age Verification service uses many trusted public data records and sources to return an age validation based on the personal information you submit. This service is specifically designed to validate and protect your identity while maintaining the highest level of consumer privacy when processing online transactions. Once we successfully age verify you, you won’t need to verify again if you log in and order from the same account.
Is the information I provide secure?
Yes, your information is very secure. Our age verification software uses secure 256 bit encryption technology to ensure the safe delivery of the information you provide online. In addition, it does not store your sensitive personal information, share, or sell any data with other parties. This practice assures you that unauthorized parties cannot gain access to your sensitive personal information.
How do I properly submit my age information?
If prompted to upload a copy of your ID, the easiest way to do this is to provide us with a copy of your current Driver’s License or other government issued ID that confirms your name, address and date of birth.
Simply scan or take a picture of your Driver’s License or government ID with your mobile device and choose one of the following options:
- Best Option for Fastest Verification and Processing: Upload your image or photo of ID through your account profile
- Email Us: at orders@greensidecigars.com and we will manually approve your attached photo ID
- Call Us: If for any reason you need help, please call our friendly Customer Service team at 706-786-4437. We will gladly walk you through the age verification process.
What if I can’t be Verified?
While nearly all customers that are over 21 should be able to be age verified within a short period of time, a small percentage of shoppers may not be verifiable due to limited availability of publicly available information contained within the Age Verification databases.
If this happens, we will attempt to contact you via phone, mail or email to verify your age. To do this, we typically require a copy of your current driver’s license or some other form of government issued ID that verifies your date of birth. Once we receive your information your order will be shipped.
We understand your time is valuable, and at Greenside Cigars, we want you to know that your information is kept sure and confidential. If for any reason you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 706-786-4437 Monday-Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm CST.